About Westland Seeds
Westland Seeds is an independent Dutch company that was the first to specialize solely in the breeding of different types of peppers. We specialise in blocky peppers and snack peppers, sweet pointed peppers and hot peppers. Our breeding program is based on decades of experience and focuses on the development of varieties that meet specific needs of the different market and cultivation conditions in the world. Working with our global distribution network, we sell our commercial varieties all over the world. This way we serve clients within various climate zones and in the low-, mid- and high- tech segments.
Development of new pepper varieties
Worldwide sales
Breeding and selection of varieties suitable for each climate zone
Decades of experience

Circle of life
To develop new varieties, our company uses a process we call Circle of life. At the main level, this process consists of several steps. It starts with the breeding and selection of pepper crops with special characteristics, then moves on to seed production, and ends with the sale of Westland Seeds varieties that are registered with NAK Tuinbouw (the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture). During this process, we stand behind the quality and reliability of our products and services. We do this by having a clear picture of every step of our Circle of Life, making it controllable and manageable.

Wim Grootscholten
Iwan van Vliet
Managing Partner
Ferry Strik
Managing Partner
Michiel van Dillen
Sales Representative
Tore van Dreumel
Import/Export and R&D employee
Judith van der Hout
Assistant Breeder
Michelle Spek
R&D employee
Masud Kamal
Head greenhouse
Sandra Kloeg
Support and R&D
Kasia Ochwat
R&D employee